Hearing Aids
Hearing loss can be temporary. It may also become permanent. Long-term hearing loss is a condition that requires early treatment. It can indicate damage in the structure of the ear(s).
If left unaddressed in children, it can lead to speech and language delay. In adults, hearing loss is associated with depression and dementia. And research offers that donning hearing aids to manage hearing loss can help reduce or delay cognitive decline.
Hearing loss happens when some tiny hair cells in the inner ear become damaged.
Hearing aids primarily work by amplifying sound vibrations that enter the ear. This way, sounds can be picked up by surviving hair cells in the inner ear – and delivered as signals to the brain. Hearing aids can be programmed according to the severity of hearing loss.
Different types of hearing aids are available:
Hearing aids also work differently.
The choice of hearing aids often depends on, besides severity of hearing loss, your budget, and/or lifestyle and aesthetic preferences. You will also need to get fitted to verify the sound amplification levels.
Most people take some time to get used to wearing hearing aids. So it’s recommended to wear yours regularly. This is especially since sounds like your own voice or your favourite song can sound differently from or louder/softer than before.
Here are some tips: